
As the old adage goes, form follows function. That said, focusing too much on the functionality leaves no room for creating an emotional connection with the consumer.

Paint is a slightly odd product because whilst it’s arguably seen as a home lifestyle product it’s not something that features hugely on the packaging. An eggshell white is an eggshell white after all so why would you buy one product over the other?

Certain brands such as Dulux position themselves as masters of colour, but there are brands such as Leyland Paints, that from a consumer point of view, don’t have a ‘reason to believe’ and therefore don’t create an emotional connection with the consumer.

This leaves you thinking why buy their paint above and beyond a cheaper own brand version?

Having a key claim or product truth evident on pack reassures the consumer and points them in your direction.

It creates differentiation and forms more of a unique story about the benefits of your products, and how it will make a consumer feel once they’ve used it.

Utilised well this can form part of the key decision-making criteria. 

#BrandDesign, #PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #Marketing

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