Why try and be something you aren’t?

We are getting to the position where it’s very difficult to tell the difference between some vegetarian options and meat.

I understand the rationale behind offering up a comparable flavour for plant-based options for consumers that miss the taste, but when you try and replicate the entire feel and form of a meat based product and pitch has plant based, I wonder whether this is going a little too far?

Have a look at this example which echoes a marbled steak almost better than many supermarket steak offerings!

Interestingly, the narrative on pack mentions that in such a bonkers and ridiculous world, it was only a time only a matter of time before a plant based steak would come a thing?! If even the brand is mocking the proposition is it a stretch too far?

Should products and packs be trying to replicate what they are desperately not wanting to be, or should they be carving out their own niche and creating something unique?

#Branding, #Design, #Marketing, #Packaging

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