If your product commands a premium price point then the onus is on the brand to explain to the consumer why that price is deserved.
Take a brand such as that in the image below. The grapes seem hurriedly cut out and lack those subtle touches of depth of field, texture and lighting which evoke better ingredients and elevated taste.
The trouble is that it’s competing with many own brand offerings which are positioned at a much lower price point.
This requires the big brand name to set out exactly why the consumer should part with their hard earned cash and why this product in particular is a much better proposition.
It could be about having the freshest grapes or grapes that are picked at just the right time. That said, if the image doesn’t match the story that the brand wants to portray the consumer will never be able to extract that key and emotive piece of storytelling.
If you’re going to charge a premium and use images, make sure they tell the correct story and pull you apart from the cheaper alternatives or you will always be competing on price.
#Branding, #Design, #Marketing, #Packaging