Always create your own assets, never borrow another brand’s

Always create your own assets, never borrow another brands.

If I were to show you this piece of packaging, chances are it would remind you of a rather famous battery brand.

Whilst this may provide a visual shortcut to attributes such as “energy“ another brands assets also come loaded with values that may not be relevant, or that you may not want to associate with your particular brand.

Whilst the battery with the copper colour top maybe relevant for the gym going community at whom this product is aimed, disposable batteries also cue many negative connotations.

Not the sort of thing you want to put in your body, particularly after you spent a gazillion pounds on your gym membership!

Brands should always create assets and colour combinations that consumers can only ever associate with their product or brand. Otherwise you are helping push other products to the front of consumers mind rather than providing a vehicle for them to remember yours. 

#BrandDesign, #PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #Marketing

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