Be clear and honest with the consumer

Here’s a quick test, stare at this pack for four seconds and tell me is it veggie, vegan or meat?

Much of the communication on packaging is subliminal, the choice of brand colour in the background, the presentation of food and particularly in this instance the naming strategy.

They conjur up a particular tone of voice to match the propoition and help convey information to the consumer.

On this specific pack, most of these cues lead you in the direction of ‘meat’ or at least they did for me.

The key consumer for this product has made a conscious decision not to eat meat so it feels very confusing why the signposts I listed above have been used as part of the communication strategy.

Your brand should be clear and honest with the consumer. It should tell them what they’re getting rather than allude towards something it’s not.

#BrandDesign, #PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #Marketing

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