Never forget taste appeal
One thing that functional snacks often forget is taste appeal.
Taste is often compromised in favour of dialling up the functional benefit and when the competition in this sector in increasing exponentially, taste credentials can be your best friend and key differentiator.
Take a look at this example from Grenade. From memory, Grenade was one of the first functional protein snack launches, but whilst the competition have moved in favour of increased health benefits, Grenade has been firmly stuck in its energy laden past.
It simply doesn’t scream yummy. The product shot is far too small to make out any of the textured detail and looks incredibly flat and ‘manufactured’
This has always tended to make it feel like the most artificial option when in fact it’s actually a high-quality product.
But it’s not just the taste appeal that it lacks. If the main benefit is high protein and lower sugar, it’s incredibly important to convey to the consumer exactly how much protein you’re giving them in a clear and succinct way.
#Design, #food, #Marketing, #Packaging
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