It’s how you say it

It’s not what you say often, it’s how you say it.

Many brands actually do a pretty good job of having the key benefit front and centre on the pack, the problem actually comes with how that benefit is delivered.

All brands need to have a suitable tone of voice, that is the vehicle on which you will deliver the key brand messaging.

If that tone of voice doesn’t fit the proposition, then it could actually be working against the brand.

By way of an example, have a look at this pack. The 12 hour pain relief is centre stage and easy to extract but instead of talking about the benefit, ‘relief’, the tone of voice feels very functional, very utilitarian and harsh.

This actually works against the key benefit you’re trying to get across to the consumer.

Making the brand mark more empathetic and using iconography that focuses on the ‘relief’ rather than the pain itself would all help build a more soothing and approachable brand image.

Capture the tone of voice correctly and you connect to the consumer in a way that conveys what you’re trying to do and importantly, how.

#BrandDesign, #PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #Marketing

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