Make it easy for the consumer

To the uninitiated, shopping in Halfords is akin to trying to crack quantum cryptography.

Finding the right product to meet your needs requires a certain shall we say level of knowledge.

Whilst Halfords have introduced an ‘add your registration plate’ offering onto the website so that you can navigate to the product that best meets your needs and matches your car, I do think the packs in store could go a long way to facilitating this.

Have a look at this engine cleaner I found. The ‘what do you do with it’ communication seems to be relegated to an afterthought sticker applied to the neck of the bottle. On some varieties it isn’t even on there.

It is unclear whether this is intentional or whether users have requested this, nevertheless it’s something that could be introduced better through narrative or simple iconography onto the front of the main label.

If you make things easy for a consumer they’ll always gravitate to products within your portfolio, as it quickly communicates a level of expertise that they don’t have.

#BrandDesign, #PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #Marketing

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