Promotional partnerships should always bring out the best in one another

The key to great promotions is that they have to be relevant.

By relevant I mean it needs to add value to the brand and also add value to the person involved in the promotion. Think of it as a mutually beneficial partnership.

Now, whatever you think about energy drinks It’s potentially always a good ‘high octane’ pairing bring these together with Formula One.

As many of the drivers have their own personal brands, it would make sense to ensure that these partnerships work with those personal brands and also that there is clear reason for the celebrity in question to be plonking their name on the pack.

Take this example from monster and Lewis Hamilton. Lewis’s highly polished urban style could be said to be somewhat diluted here with the use of the playful iconography. Similarly, Monster maybe haven’t made the most of the high fashion meets high-performance communication that could help add a little bit of high fashion edge to their offering.
Partnerships are great, but they should always bring out the best in one another.

#BrandDesign, #PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #Marketing

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