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Slice ranked as ‘Top Packaging Agency’ in new report

We are delighted to announce we have been recognised as a top packaging design agency in 2 reports by Design Rush.

1. ‘Top Cosmetic Packaging Design Companies’

The report states:

“Upwards of 33 percent of consumers will refuse to use a product or brand if they don’t like the look of their packaging label – and cosmetic packaging design is a prime example of this in action.

In fact, the brands that increasing perform well with consumers and in the cosmetics, makeup and skincare market are those that couple a great product with even better packaging.

This emphasis on aesthetic appeal improves brand awareness, consumer loyalty, user-generated marketing – particularly through social media – and ultimately increases revenue”

Read the full article here..

2. ‘Top 29 Logo Design DesignRush’s Companies’

Design Rush say “Craft beer sales now comprise 24 percent of the United States’ beer market – which is a $114 billion industry. These trendy, homegrown beers rely on both taste and aesthetic appeal to attract customers within a growing market. And the most important element is a logo design.”

Read the full article here

A big thanks to Design Rush for including us in this list.

Based in London UK, Slice Design are a top international creative branding and packaging design agency that have helped consumer brands grow and get noticed since 2004. We like to think of ourselves as a challenger to the large agency. As the name suggests we cut through jargon with our flexible, no nonsense approach and down to earth attitude. You can see some of our recent packaging design work here

Feel free to drop us a line or pop in and meet us in person. We are located in the centre of Hammersmith, London.

For specific project requirements click on either of the two green buttons at the bottom of the page we will get back to you double quick to hear more about your projects!

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