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Euro 2020 Football: How the brands have jumped on board in their TV advertising campaigns.

I did have to do a double take when I saw the date, but at long last the Euro 2020 football tournament is upon us. As is normal with these sporting occasions, a raft of associated advertising campaigns have been launched to compete for your attention and declare their relevance for your weekly shop.

In the United States of America, the adverts in the Super Bowl are a bit of an institution. They are looked forward to in the same way as the John Lewis Christmas advert is here in the UK. The examples below capture a little of the same spirit and showcase some fab creativity. So, we had to share for a little light-hearted end of the week shenanigans!

Just as England has kicked off the campaign successfully, so have some big players in the brand arena. Here are some of the ones that have caught our creative eye, no doubt I’ll be adding to these for the duration of the tournament.

Deliveroo: We’re England ’til we dine advert.

Clever wordplay from professional ‘bloke down the pub’ Carl Pilkington and the Deliveroo guys linking classic dishes in a football chant style.

TikTok: Where fans play advert.

The big sponsor of the Euro 2020 football tournament. Great integration of TikTok videos into memorable football moments. Also, interesting use of the New Order classic, Blue Monday, to conjure up the Three Lions spirit.

Sports Direct: Just a Game advert.

Great linking back to that famous Bill Shankly football adage that football is “not a matter of life and death, it’s more important than that”. Also, after over a year of isolation I also love the use of the phrase ‘it’s a ticket to friendship’.

Irn Bro: Sofa advert.

Definitely one of the cheekiest adverts in the Euro 2020 football tournament. Playing up to the fact that Scotland never usually make it to a final – the Irn-Bru guys poke fun at tournament virgins, Scotland.

You can see some examples of our branding and packaging design work here. There are some more expanded examples on our Behance credentials page.

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