Consistency and repetition is key.

A client recently wanted to know why they needed a brand guidelines document, so I thought I’d echo that conversation here.

Your brand guidelines are the rulebook for your entire brand. They offer a wealth of information to ensure consistency across all consumer touch points.

Brands that can successfully manage consistency have been proven to perform better and have higher recall from consumers. Consistency and repetition is key.

Brand engagement needs to happen between five and seven times for consumers to remember you.

Brand guidelines should provide both a consistent direction, so that executions borrow from the same set of principles, and also allow flexibility so as not to to constrain further creativity.

Also, always ensure there is only one version of a brand logo and packaging artwork in circulation.
Having one agency as the library and gatekeepers to manage this is always the most efficient way to ensure consistency.

A robust brand guideline document will ensure that your messaging is consistent across all touch, points and across all assets.

#BrandDesign, #PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #Marketing

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