Make sure your structure and graphics work in synchronicity

It’s that time of the year, when we invest gazillions in protecting ourselves from the summer sun.

Sunscreen (or suntan lotion, as some people refer to it as, I’ve no idea why has it doesn’t actually give you a suntan!) Is top of the shopping list over these first few weeks of the post school summer holiday.

How do you navigate and choose your brand of choice?

I saw this example from Nivia, and it’s a great example of the branding and structure not being designed in harmony.

Clearly the bottle needs to be gripped by oily hands to stop it flying off into the Mediterranean Sea. However, the way this particular structure has been designed, reduces the branding area significantly, rendering it very difficult to see on the shelf.

Packaging is a three-dimensional item, both structure and graphics need to work together in synchronicity in order to communicate to the consumer why you are the best brand.

If these components are designed in isolation your brand will suffer the consequences.

#BrandDesign, #PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #3D

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