Don’t let taste appeal be the compromise for functionality.

Don’t let taste appeal be the compromise for functionality.

It’s often very difficult to stand out in the cereal aisle. The brand in here are stewn with vivid colourways and animated graphics. It’s more like walking into a Nickelodeon TV studio than a supermarket.

Surreal has tried to take on some of the big players here with its pack design and latest festive flavour offering, providing quite a challenge to both the inquisitive consumer and the taste buds.

Taste appeal (and increasingly healthiness) is incredibly important in this sector especially to combat the artificial colour-ways of some of the products.

If, as here, there is a fantastic functional benefit to the product, always ensure taste is not seen as a compromise to this added functionality.

Whilst it’s great to offer up something completely different to a sector, I’m not convinced the packaging design captures the right amount of desirability expected by a new consumer.

Challenge the consumer to excite them but always make the product feel like a tasty reward.

#BrandDesign, #PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #health

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