Expanding your brand assets (and also your mind)!

Escher, was famed for his ‘mindbendingly’, bizarre 3-D puzzle illustrations that made no sense.

Interestingly, that’s who I thought of when I saw the packaging design for this new product launch from Toblerone.

The famous triangle has been morphed into a ‘wonky pyramid’ in order to create the pack, architecture and mimic the product.

Also the brand logo has been cropped and intersected.

It caught my eye, that’s for sure, but I can’t quite work out whether something feels uncomfortable with the layout or if that’s the whole point.

Toblerone chocolate will no longer feature the Matterhorn mountain peak on its packaging due to marketing restrictions relating to the use of Swiss iconography. Therefore, the need to protect the integrity of the triangle should be paramount for the brand.

I wonder whether the triangle can adapt into a ‘wonky pyramid’ and if so if this is recognisable enough to influence the pack architecture at all?

What do you guys think?

#PackagingDesign, #Packaging, #BrandDesign, #Innovation

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